
CCW In-house Weightlifting Competition

Saturday 24th July 2021 This was such a great event to watch and be apart of! Thanks to everyone that got up on the platform and lifted, you guys did an amazing job and we can’t wait for the next one in about 8 weeks time! Congrats to our two winners Nicholas Buck and Catlin Cummings! Thanks to everyone that helped get this one over the line, judges Ben Golebiowski and Alice Sciascia, loaders John Jenkins, Jonathan Dowson, Eddie Stanley and Rowena Howard, whiteboard scorer Lisa McIvor and the champion of the organising Nicole Taylor!  You guys nailed it! Another

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The 2021 CCW Winter Throwdown

Saturday the 3rd of July 2021 The dust is still settling, Monday morning has come and gone and we’re reflecting on another awesome Winter Throwdown event (if we do say so ourselves).  We have now raised over $2,100 for our chosen charity – Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust. Every year we try to choose a local charity that really goes above and beyond investing the Wellington region, the work that WHWT does is no exception to this. You can still donate here if you wish! Congratulations must of course go to our top three podium finishers in what was the tightest placings going

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The In-house Throwdown 2021

Saturday the 12th June 2021 What an event and what a day?! Forty CCW teams registered for this event making it the biggest (and best) yet! This mixed pairs competition has been an annual event at CCW for a longtime and also doubles as a qualifier for teams hoping to partake in the CCW Winter Throwdown happening in a couple of weeks. The comp format ran as three events, a twelve team semi final and a three team final. When it was all said and done Too Lit to quit made up of Tim Marsden and Arawa Manu stood at

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The 2021 Online Age Group Qualifiers

May 7-10 2021 We had five athletes qualify for the next stage of the CrossFit Games for Masters and four of them due to one injury threw down over the weekend! The workouts were tough and mirrored the open quarterfinal workouts in format and in a lot of cases movements. At the end of the day this is how our four athletes ended up with official results still to be confirmed. Nicolas Buck – 356th (Male 35-39)Mari Lowe – 491st (Female 35-39)Sovita Corkin – 233rd (Female 45-49)Pauline Sciascia – 6th (Female 60-64) The top 20 athletes from each division are

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The 2021 CrossFit Open

12-30 March 2021 Well that’s another CrossFit Open in the books at CrossFit Central Wellington! We had over 100 members take part in this years event and what an event it was. Kicking off on way back on the 12th March when the first workout was announced and finishing up on the Tuesday just gone when submissions for the last week closed. Here’s a little trip down memory lane for you – Week one we had a heap of wall climbs and double unders to complete with an aggressive 15 minute time cap. Week two was the back breaking repeat

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I’m pregnant – now what? Considerations for Trimester One

A midwife’s insightFor many couples even getting to this stage has required a lot of hard work and time, for others this has happened far too easily. Regardless, you’ve now reached a huge milestone and from here they just keep on coming! Disclaimer: I am a Registered Midwife and I work at Wellington Hospital. However, I am not YOUR midwife, therefore, whilst I am happy to provide general pregnancy advice and guidance, if you have questions about your health and your pregnancy you must consult with your Midwife or Doctor. What happens in the first trimesterThe first trimester is from

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The 2021 CrossFit Open

How it works at CrossFit Central Wellington! 12th – 30th March 2021 First things first… The CrossFit Open is one of our biggest events and we always want to see as many members as possible getting involved. For you that don’t know what we are talking about, the 2021 CrossFIt Open consists of three workouts released over three weeks which hundreds of thousands of people complete and submit into an online leaderboard, from games athletes to complete newbies, everyone does this together! The Open caters for all level of athletes and has multiple divisions to boot so jump right in and wait

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One on one sessions – Pregnancy and postpartum

As she continues her professional development in the world of pregnancy and postpartum athleticism, our very own Coach Freyja now offers 1-1 consults for Pregnant and Postpartum athletes.  These are 45-60 minute sessions that involve a pre-screening form and post session follow up email. These sessions can be a great opportunity to get some additional support with your training through pregnancy and in your return to CrossFit postpartum. These sessions are an opportunity to ensure the athlete is able to make educated decisions around scaling, has a range of scaling options that meet her current needs (in a holistic way),

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2020’s 24 Hour Fundraiser for VOYCE

On the 18th of December at 12pm CrossFit Central Wellington and its members set off on a 24 hour workout to try and raise awareness and money for our chosen charity VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai! Over the 24 hours teams of three worked out for 45 minutes at a time, trying to accumulate a total of 6000 reps of 6 different exercises as an analogue to Voyce’s 6 Promises for 6000 campaign. The movements were Wall Ball (9kg for men, 6kg for women), Power Clean (60kg for men/42.5kg for women), Pull Up, Bike (for calories), Double Unders, and HSPU. Expectations

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The 2020 CCW ‘No Open’

October 17th – November 7th 2020 Well that was an awesome four weeks! It wasn’t quite the Open but for those of you that completed each week you would have got some of those same feelings that the Open has a tendancy to ignite. For those of you that have not done an Open before then this is just a taste of what is to come in February 2021 when the real thing kicks off. Looking back on the four weeks we completed the following: Week ONECrossFit Open Workout 20.220 Minute AMRAP4 DB Thruster 22.5/15kg6 Toe to bar24 Double unders

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