How it works at CrossFit Central Wellington!
12th – 30th March 2021
First things first… The CrossFit Open is one of our biggest events and we always want to see as many members as possible getting involved. For you that don’t know what we are talking about, the 2021 CrossFIt Open consists of three workouts released over three weeks which hundreds of thousands of people complete and submit into an online leaderboard, from games athletes to complete newbies, everyone does this together! The Open caters for all level of athletes and has multiple divisions to boot so jump right in and wait for the magic to happen.
At CCW we also run an in-house competition which coincides with the Open, you may have heard of it? All of our 104 athletes have been assigned to one of the teams; either the Birds, the Elephants, the Rabbits or the Walruses. If it’s their first time in the open then they have been drafted or if they are back for another go they remain in their same team. Once a walrus, always a walrus. The Elephants, CCW’s most successful team come into the year as champions but a lot has changed since the last run around the block so only time will tell.
During the three weekends that the Open runs there will be no Saturday morning classes, in its place we will be running all of our members through the weeks open workouts from 7.30am until everyone has completed it.
All registered athletes will automatically be put into Saturday morning heats. Any registered athlete that can’t make their Saturday heats or need to do it at a certain time must email Brian by Thursday at 7:30pm to organise another time to do it.
If you can’t make Saturday then you are more than welcome to come to Open gym on Sunday or on Friday evening after class to complete the workout! Just make sure you bring a judge. The rostered coach on that day will be able to help you with anything you need.
Friday – 1pm
Workout announced live on the CrossFit Games website. We will then be posting it up on WodTalk.
Friday – Evening
Heat sheets will be provided on CCW WODTALK. Keep a look out for this post for your heat times for Saturday. If you don’t use FB find a friend who does! If you need to be in a heat at a certain time or you want to drop in for a heat let us know by Thursday afternoon please!
Saturday – Day
First heat starts at 7.30am. A detailed warm-up will be provided on the back whiteboard for you to warm up to prior to the start of your heat. Our intention will be to get this day completed by late morning to midday.
Sunday – Open Gym
Sunday Open gym will be the main time to make up a workout if you missed the Saturday morning heats, bring a judge and use the Open Gym coach to help you with standards and setting up (12:30-2pm).
Tuesday – Afternoon
Workout submissions close so make sure that you have logged your score before then otherwise you will miss out. This only matters if you are logging to the HQ leaderboard, if you are just apart of the CCW comp then you only need to get your completed scorecard into the collection box.
Check out the CCW in house leaderboard to see how your team is doing!
Our community is always amazing at helping us make sure this event runs smoothly. To do this we need volunteers for judging and equipment resetting each Saturday morning. A call for help will be put on CCW WODTALK every Thursday evening. Judges will be required to be at the gym prior to the beginning of the first heat to discuss movement standards. A half decent base of movement standard understanding is required along with enthusiasm for supporting your gym buddies.
Equipment resetters just need to be available throughout the day to reset equipment between heats. No prerequisites required.
No need to be available for the entire day or the entire open, if you have even a few hours spare, we would be keen to have you involved! Don’t forget! A shout out for volunteers will be made every Thursday in the lead up to the workouts so keep your eyes pealed.
You can still workout each weekend, just sign-up on the whiteboard down the back each week with a desired heat time and we will get you in a heat.
If you still feel a little uncertain as to how all this works don’t be afraid to ask a coach or email Brian for a run down or hit us up today like we said earlier we want to see as many of our members as possible joining in the fun so don’t miss out!