July 2020

Toe to Bar: Leg Position

Toe to Bar – Straight leg vs bent leg For CrossFitters the Toe-to-Bar (T2B) movement is a staple! Kipping T2B have shown up every year in the CrossFit Open so well worth the time investment to work on the strength and skill of the movement. In this deep-dive we are going to focus on the positioning and movement of the legs during kipping T2B reps…so lets look at a straight leg variation vs a bent leg variation. In this video you will see the first 3 (arguably 4) reps are completed with a bent leg or a tuck and kick

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Barbell: The Set-up

Set up position for deadlift, clean and snatch First things first – the deadlift, clean and snatch are all totally different movements, and all need different set up positions. This might seem a little crazy to some of you – all three movements involve picking the bar up off the ground. However, with the clean and the snatch, we want to make sure that you are set up to explode into the second and third pull (in short, we need you to use your hips to get that bar moving). Meanwhile, all you need to do with the deadlift is

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Handstands: What’s hot and what’s not

Handstands can be a polarising topic. Some love them and throw them in a workout or even after class any chance they get. Others avoid them like the plague (COVID-19? Too soon?). And along the same vein what a good handstand looks like and how to get there sparks much debate. Here is the official CrossFit Handstand demo video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-9_46by2JI And here is what you are likely to see in any workout.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUEbp-cV_gA So why the discrepancy? Like anything it comes down to what you are trying to achieve. Gymnasts, Hand-Balancers, Yogis, and CrossFit athletes all use handstands but for different purposes,

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The Muscle up: Grip

Muscle ups…as they say anything worth learning can be taught in multiple ways and with muscle ups a big divider is false grip vs monkey grip. I will start with saying both have their place and like anything in CrossFit the goal would be to master both grips and their associated uses but let’s look at why you might start in one way or the other. Let’s start with the false grip. A false grip is where the wrist is in contact with the ring creating an angle that allows a transition from pulling to pushing without changing hand placement.

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