August 2021

Keeping your workout MOJO

Lockdown Coaches blog 2.4 – By Nicole Taylor Brian and Alice are tough acts to follow, but I am here to try to deliver some words of wisdom about getting motivated to work out in the middle of a pandemic.I don’t know about some of you guys – but I absolutely LOVE working out. I love coming into the gym, gossiping before a workout, trying to keep up with Pauline on a Saturday morning, coffee at raglan, fistbumping on SugarWOD after class, and I even enjoy a primer. I love sweating, lifting weights, battling away at gymnastics, getting out on

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Evolution under Lockdown

Lockdown Coaches Blog 2.3 – By Brian Sciascia Waking up locked down… Some of us have to go to our jobs. Some of us have to put our laptops in front of us and work. Some of us just have to do nothing and wait. Whoever you are, wake up and put on whatever shoes you need for the day. While you tie those laces or appreciate the warmth of those well-worn slippers have a think about the times we live in. In this moment, Lockdown 2.0, we need to recognise that this is a time that will never repeat.

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You can always comeback

Lockdown Coaches Blog 2.2 – By Alice Sciascia How’s lockdown going everyone? I’ve been on vacation from Instagram for most of this year, so I’m not sure if everyone’s still baking sourdough or digging out the puzzles they inherited from their grandparents. I hope so! For me, lockdown feels harder this time around, which is strange, considering that during the last one I was five months’ deep into cancer treatment and getting irradiated every day! I’m not sure what it is, but there’s a distinct layer of stress and dread that is overlaying that general feeling of anxiety that just

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Lockdown habits – The good, and the bad

Lockdown Coaches Blog 2.1 – By Ben Golebiowski I’ve been given the task of identifying some lockdown habits for you all. Let’s focus on the good, and the bad might just make themselves apparent. Important to remember that these habits are all subjective – I may consider them good, you might not. That’s okay, these are merely guidelines, backed by science and accepted (generally) by most as good… Exercise Probably not the most important habit to consider, but I am writing this to a CrossFit gym member base, so it makes sense to start here right? Limited with equipment, yes,

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CCW In-house Weightlifting Competition

Saturday 24th July 2021 This was such a great event to watch and be apart of! Thanks to everyone that got up on the platform and lifted, you guys did an amazing job and we can’t wait for the next one in about 8 weeks time! Congrats to our two winners Nicholas Buck and Catlin Cummings! Thanks to everyone that helped get this one over the line, judges Ben Golebiowski and Alice Sciascia, loaders John Jenkins, Jonathan Dowson, Eddie Stanley and Rowena Howard, whiteboard scorer Lisa McIvor and the champion of the organising Nicole Taylor!  You guys nailed it! Another

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