December 2016

Whatever you want it to be

[blockquote style=”boxed”]To me Cross Fit, and CCW in particular, is whatever you want it to be[/blockquote] I walked in to CCW a little over six months ago with no real idea, other than what I’d seen on YouTube, about Cross Fit was. On the right side (younger) of the 40 divide I was pretty apprehensive as I headed in to class and what was to be the first of many WODs. As it turned out, I had nothing to worry about. Yes, I had to work my arse off, and yes I suddenly realised I was ‘gym’ fit only, but

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It’s about your whole life

[blockquote style=”boxed”] “Success is a journey, not a destination.”[/blockquote] Don’t go into it thinking only about the competition and pinning all your feelings of success on winning. If you are only hoping for a #1 finish, you are missing the point. You should be going into the challenge with particular things you want to get out of it that is not dependent on the outcome of the competition. Think of it as setting behaviour not outcome-based goals. Outcome based goals risk you feeling like a failure for only getting an 80kg clean instead of a 90kg clean, despite the fact

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