On the 18th of December at 12pm CrossFit Central Wellington and its members set off on a 24 hour workout to try and raise awareness and money for our chosen charity VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai!
Over the 24 hours teams of three worked out for 45 minutes at a time, trying to accumulate a total of 6000 reps of 6 different exercises as an analogue to Voyce’s 6 Promises for 6000 campaign. The movements were Wall Ball (9kg for men, 6kg for women), Power Clean (60kg for men/42.5kg for women), Pull Up, Bike (for calories), Double Unders, and HSPU.
Expectations on completing the task were not super high to be honest.
But…We did it!
In the final 45mins we knocked off the 800 remaining handstand push-ups to complete all 36,000 reps with twenty five minutes to spare.We are really proud of all of our members and also our wider community who banded together to help raise $4065 for VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai who as a charity were awesome to work with and are a really special bunch.
VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai runs local events and experiences to create safe networks and communities that connect care experienced young Kiwis and help build positive morale. Their whakapapa reflects a strong and unique partnership between young people, government, the philanthropic and non-government sectors – they are co-funded by government and philanthropy partners. They believe that it is only in working together that the vision of building a community of positive, confident and capable care experienced young people will be realised.
Thank you to everyone that made this annual event a successful and memorable one. In a year that has had so many challenges it is awesome to be able to shine a bit of light on things.
That takes our fundraising total from the past 8 years to $41,453.72, this is our greatest workout. You can check out all of our fundraisers right here: https://crossfitcentralwellington.co.nz/…/community…
Till next time.Thanks for the support!