
Barbell: The Set-up

Set up position for deadlift, clean and snatch First things first – the deadlift, clean and snatch are all totally different movements, and all need different set up positions. This might seem a little crazy to some of you – all three movements involve picking the bar up off the ground. However, with the clean and the snatch, we want to make sure that you are set up to explode into the second and third pull (in short, we need you to use your hips to get that bar moving). Meanwhile, all you need to do with the deadlift is

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Handstands: What’s hot and what’s not

Handstands can be a polarising topic. Some love them and throw them in a workout or even after class any chance they get. Others avoid them like the plague (COVID-19? Too soon?). And along the same vein what a good handstand looks like and how to get there sparks much debate. Here is the official CrossFit Handstand demo video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-9_46by2JI And here is what you are likely to see in any workout.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUEbp-cV_gA So why the discrepancy? Like anything it comes down to what you are trying to achieve. Gymnasts, Hand-Balancers, Yogis, and CrossFit athletes all use handstands but for different purposes,

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The Muscle up: Grip

Muscle ups…as they say anything worth learning can be taught in multiple ways and with muscle ups a big divider is false grip vs monkey grip. I will start with saying both have their place and like anything in CrossFit the goal would be to master both grips and their associated uses but let’s look at why you might start in one way or the other. Let’s start with the false grip. A false grip is where the wrist is in contact with the ring creating an angle that allows a transition from pulling to pushing without changing hand placement.

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HSPU: Hand placement

The handstand push up can be one of the most intimidating movements in the gym – not only are you upside down, but we are asking you to balance on your hands and at the same time press your entire body weight. It’s pretty awesome once you crack the handstand push up though. Just like everything we do at CrossFit Central Wellington, the set up (and where you put your hands) is going to be super important in getting your HSPUs cranking. This is absolutely something that we can all be working on while we are locked away in our houses

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S2OH: Cycling Reps

Shoulder to Overhead – the motion of taking something from your shoulders, and putting it over your head… Today we deep dive into the wonderful world of barbell cycling, and focus on the Shoulder to Overhead. The idea – quicker and more efficient transitions between reps, while maintaining quality technique. You’ve probably already guessed, but this content isn’t really going to apply to heavy weights and low reps. Sure, it can, but if it does – that ‘heavy’ weight you’re lifting, ain’t that heavy. You shouldn’t be able to do this with your 1RM Jerk. This is addressing those workouts

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Running: Stride length and Cadence

Todays deep dive will focus on two specific topics around running, firstly we’ll look at stride length and how you can focus on increasing yours and secondly cadence. As you can probably figure out, your running speed depends on the length of each stride and the rate at which you turn strides over (cadence). If you want to go faster, you have to increase either stride length or stride turnover… or both. Most untrained runners have both a short stride length and slow cadence, this deep dive looks at how we can increase both of these making our running more efficient.

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The Back Squat: Form Focus

Back Squat: Form focus Ok let’s get deep into some squat stance, femur length, torso angle chat…please contain your excitement! There are a few things that everyone can do to help find a better squat position (I will talk about a couple soon) but there is one thing that is going to dictate the mechanics of your squat that no amount of mobility, new shoes or Russian squat programmes is going to change and that’s your femur length! Like it or not its going to be harder for a person with long femurs to keep a nice upright instagram perfect’

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The Double Under: The Jump

Double unders can be a really taxing part of a workout, and a place that slows you down. When we’re first learning we do what we need to do to get the work done, and this isn’t always very efficient. These habits can then stick with us, becoming the real crux in our workout. Double unders can also be a place to make up time and even recover, if you’re efficient. Today I want to chat about two common errors we see in double unders. Firstly however, what should they look like? THE GOOD:https://www.crossfit.com/essentials/the-double-under It’s more than just passing the rope

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The Toe to bar: Linking Reps

Let’s look at T2B. Often members will have single T2Bs, maybe a great deal of them, but can’t link together a measly set of two. Singles may work or even be preferable in a competition or workout setting, but we all like to have options. So here is why that happens and what you can do about it. First up, a quick look at CrossFit’s points of performance for the T2B. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_03pCKOv4l4) Of course that demo looks great. But perhaps you’ve been put in the position of executing T2B more like in the first two examples in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i7Nl-S3B1E)

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How I got my volunteer t-shirt

CrossFit Games 2018 Pacific Regionals – Volunteer Squad I joined CrossFit Central Wellington and the CrossFit community in September 2017, and you could say I drank the CrossFit Kool-Aid. Its been a whirlwind of fun, excitement, high-fives and fist bumps and I haven’t looked back since. In fact, its snowballed and now I think my friends are staging an intervention. [blockquote style=”boxed”]You could say I drank the CrossFit Kool-Aid[/blockquote] For those who are unfamiliar with competitive side of CrossFit, here is a basic run down. The CrossFit Games are the world’s premier test to find the Fittest on Earth. They

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