
Everyone’s doing it

[blockquote style=”boxed”]It’s not every day you get to compete against the best in the world. [/blockquote] 1. 5 Reasons why you should sign up for your first open For your Team – Get involved with one of the 4 in house teams and compete with pride, Undoubtedly the fiercest rivalry in the gym is between the 4 open teams! Although a healthy rivalry (most of the time) it’s awesome to be involved in, the smack talking/taunting only adds to the fun of the open. For the Sport – CrossFit is growing rapidly, the open is a chance to be a

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It’s about your Whole Life

Time is the thing we never seem to have enough of. Between work and sleep, where are we meant to fit exercise, cooking, cleaning, hanging out with friends and relaxing? Everything has to be jam packed into a day. It’s really easy to let things be forgotten or take shortcuts on our hauora but turns out The Whole Life Challenge was the best shake up. With the exception of the week 1 feels, this turned out to be such an awesome month! [blockquote style=”boxed”]”For the first time in our adult life, grocery shopping was exciting. It was like the pregame

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It’s all in the way you comeback

I’m writing this about 12 months after getting the diagnosis for my latest injury (hip impingement and torn labrum) and about 6 months after having arthroscopic hip surgery to help fix it. [blockquote style=”boxed”]”If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the past year it’s that perspective is everything and having a positive mindset can make a huge difference.”[/blockquote] Injuries suck and can make you feel inadequate because you may not be able to perform the movements you love. However, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the past year it’s that perspective is everything and having a positive mindset can

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Still Learning to Love Crab Walks

Kia ora CCW community from a lunchtime crew member. It’s now been two years since I started at CCW – time flies when you’re having fun right? A couple of things have happened. I got my double unders, 3 T2B and a HSPU! It does not take that long when you work on it. It was only when coaches asked me to practice, (and I saw other people improving) that I made more of an effort to work on my weaknesses. I had to delay doing snatches or back squats for now. I still cannot crab walk, but can do

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When I became pregnant…

[blockquote style=”boxed”]When I became pregnant, I knew instantly that I wanted to stay fit and healthy throughout the 9 months of my pregnancy. I decided to give up pilates and yoga, and stick to Crossfit as my one form of exercise.[/blockquote] When I became pregnant, I knew instantly that I wanted to stay fit and healthy throughout the 9 months of my pregnancy. I decided to give up pilates and yoga, and stick to Crossfit as my one form of exercise. Training while pregnant meant 9 months of tweaking and scaling movements. The first trimester meant no handstands, no burpees

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Blood, sweat and cheers

Blood, sweat and cheers – my first CrossFit Open [blockquote style=”boxed”]I believe I was quoted saying “17.1 was the greatest day of my life” and then proceeded to say something similar about every week.[/blockquote] Sweat dripping, lungs on fire, muscles aching. I had given 17.5 my all and although it took me a solid five minutes to get up off the floor afterwards, it was totally worth it. It was the first RX workout I had ever completed. Participating in my first CrossFit open, especially at CCW and as a Rabbit, was fantastic. I pushed myself beyond my limits, realised

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[blockquote style=”boxed”]Every week of the five weeks the open runs quickly turns into a rollercoaster of emotion, pain, joy and a whole lot of good times. This is half the fun and no way would I change a thing about it.[/blockquote] So… What does a typical week look and feel like #intheopen? Going to bed on a Thursday is a weird mix of: I need sleep but I wonder what the workout is going to be? If its 100 double unders, how do I break my sets up to keep my heart rate from spiking? What if it’s heavy cleans

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Whatever you want it to be

[blockquote style=”boxed”]To me Cross Fit, and CCW in particular, is whatever you want it to be[/blockquote] I walked in to CCW a little over six months ago with no real idea, other than what I’d seen on YouTube, about Cross Fit was. On the right side (younger) of the 40 divide I was pretty apprehensive as I headed in to class and what was to be the first of many WODs. As it turned out, I had nothing to worry about. Yes, I had to work my arse off, and yes I suddenly realised I was ‘gym’ fit only, but

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It’s about your whole life

[blockquote style=”boxed”] “Success is a journey, not a destination.”[/blockquote] Don’t go into it thinking only about the competition and pinning all your feelings of success on winning. If you are only hoping for a #1 finish, you are missing the point. You should be going into the challenge with particular things you want to get out of it that is not dependent on the outcome of the competition. Think of it as setting behaviour not outcome-based goals. Outcome based goals risk you feeling like a failure for only getting an 80kg clean instead of a 90kg clean, despite the fact

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Some lines from a new kid on the block…

In my six short weeks at CCW, I have been incredibly impressed… Not by what the gym has done for me but what the gym has made me want to do for myself. The environment has given me a drive to hurt and a desire to work. This is something I have never managed to dig up in myself. I have always been gifted, growing up I didn’t have to work off the field and off the court to be the best on it. I was strong because I was strong, fast because I was fast, etc. etc. What I

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