Saturday the 12th June 2021
What an event and what a day?! Forty CCW teams registered for this event making it the biggest (and best) yet!
This mixed pairs competition has been an annual event at CCW for a longtime and also doubles as a qualifier for teams hoping to partake in the CCW Winter Throwdown happening in a couple of weeks.
The comp format ran as three events, a twelve team semi final and a three team final. When it was all said and done Too Lit to quit made up of Tim Marsden and Arawa Manu stood at the top of the podium. Following behind closely in second were Swole Sisters (Brian Sciascia and Lisa McIvor) and in third were Champ Tia Toomey (Ian Chevalier and Tia Haira).

Congratulations to all of our athletes that threw down in the comp, there were so many good teams and so many awesome efforts made. Well done especially to all of those athletes that were competing for the first time and we hope that everyone had an awesome time doing it. How couldn’t you? It was such a great day!
A big thank you needs to go out to all our volunteers that helped run this comp, it’s a monumental effort by everyone to make sure everything happens as planned.
The biggest thanks however need to go to Jess Limbrick who writes all the workouts and directs proceedings with stoic professionalism on the day. The other often unsung hero that basically does everything else in the lead up – organising, countless hours of admin, Charity back end stuff and even volunteer food, etc. etc. etc. is Freyja Sciascia. These two ladies do it all and we are all so thankful to have them at the helm.
The good thing is, we will be able to see it all come together again in a few weeks at the Winter Throwdown.
Onwards and upwards.