CrossFit and Me

CrossFit and Me

I’m what you call the ‘average CrossFitter’ – I do it to stay fit (ok maybe I do want to get a bit fitter ☺) but I don’t train every day to compete in the sport (LOVE watching it though).

My journey at CCW started a little over 3 years ago when I finally dropped in for a trial class after to-ing and fro-ing about it for a good 2 months thinking if it was right for me. Well, I was hooked pretty much instantly! I had no clue about most of the movements (what’s a Thruster?) but I enjoyed learning about how I can move my body around (with or without a barbell or other equipment).

The variety of CrossFit is what I love about it the most – no two days are the same and everything can be scaled to ability level and injury if required. The coaches at CCW are great in finding the right options for anyone – especially since 2 of them are physios!

CrossFit has definitely changed my life for the better – I can do things I never thought possible 3 years ago (unassisted pull-ups among some other awesome skills) and I’ve met some pretty incredible people along the way.

The community is what keeps me going back week after week – everyone at CCW is super friendly and we’re a pretty sociable bunch when we aren’t training also. There are so many different stories and backgrounds and every member is at a different stage in their CrossFit journey but that’s what makes it great – to see others achieving their goals and going beyond what they thought they were capable of is pretty inspiring and motivating, for me anyway.