Kia ora whānau,
It’s been over 10 months now with the CrossFit Central Wellington community, and what journey it’s been so far. My first initiation into CCW was memorable. I was confident, fit, strong, and I was wrong.
My first class was crazy, I was gasping for air and could not think. My calves and shoulders were screaming. My core was weak and I went into a lonely mental state. So I realised that I wasn’t that fit or strong!
I spoke to Coach Craig Fyffe about where to from here? His exact words were “Commit to this and you will see results!” I thought about it for the afternoon and I emailed Brian and signed up to CCW that day.
I started to attend lunch classes 5 times a week and worked hard at everything. It was intimidating at first, but the CCW team were very supportive. I really got to know the lunch time crew in my first 3 months – the sessions became like a ‘bro session’ each time! I found people I could workout with that push me. I got to see great improvements in others and that made me want to match their intensity. Sometimes new people turn up and I know how they are feeling, so I always introduce myself and make them feel welcome!
For 3 months I wanted to know everything, do everything and get stronger and faster! I took notes of my numbers and PBs, so I knew my limits and benchmarks. After 3 months I reviewed my numbers and saw improvements, but I also realised my technique needed attention. Poor technique had held me back, and once I started to understand the movements better CrossFit actually became harder!
I followed up with another 3 months where I maintained the same level of training but focused in on the techniques for toes to bar, snatch and handstands. I chose these because they were the hardest! Some days I felt weak and my technique was crap – other days I was on fire! I saw definite PBs in my snatch, and other barbell movements – and though my handstands and toes to bar still needed work but I could do pull-ups! I reviewed my performance again and found the hard work was paying off. My measurements were good, but I still had to sort out issues with my mobility.
Doing heavier weights affected my mobility, so I branched out to attend the Saturday mobility classes. Getting stretched and pulled by Coach (physiotherapist) Gina was awful but it did help with my shoulder and lower back mobility, which has in turn improved my technique!
It’s now been over 10 months since I started at CCW and I’m looking forward to all I still have to learn! Toes to bar is still very hard but I’m still working on it. I am getting better at snatch, as well as improving my handstands. My foundations have been forged well, my technique continues to improve and I’m far more confident under a barbell. The list of things to work on seems endless!
So thanks to Coach Craig for helping me to set goals and make the commitment, it has produced great results for me. I have now set new goals for the year – learn to love crab and seal walks, and get those double unders before the end of year!
A special thanks must go out to the coaches for putting up with my shenanigans.
Lunch time crew for life!
Tetauhou Nohotima