I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2018 and have been part of the CCW community since 2020. Since day one I was welcomed in and pushed to be better. Am I the best athlete you’ll ever meet? No, but I’m much better than I was, and I am confident I can continue to improve. I’ve always played sports so working out in a group and sharing the struggle with teammates is second nature.
Coming into the gym is always the favourite part of my day, whilst coaching I try to make the hour the best part of the member’s days. Most people aren’t coming into the gym to break records or compete but to stay healthy, blow off steam and better themselves bit by bit. I think a coach’s job is to get each member through every session safely, happy, and ready to come back in for the next one. If athletes keep showing up, the improvements will take care of themselves!
Outside of the gym I’m your standard Wellington government worker, coffee addict, chocoholic, and full-time sports fan! Best legs in the gym (self-proclaimed).