
Senior Coach

I’ve been into sports since I can remember; playing anything I could get my hands on through school. Being a good Canadian, I played international American football and competitive ice hockey until I moved to NZ in 2009…. Finding neither of these here, I fell into CrossFit in 2012, and I haven’t looked back.

I am one of the physiotherapists that works at the gym, so I’m into getting people bendy and making sure they’re moving well; as much as I like my job, I prefer people stay injury free…I have been known to throw some serious evils if you’re doing something you shouldn’t, and some serious dance moves when one of my jams is playing.

I love CrossFit because of the insurmountable number of goals to be achieved and fears to be conquered. People are always improving and becoming even better versions of themselves, and I get to help with that, which is awesome.